About Us
Chlor Generators is a UK company with a worldwide client base and have been manufacturing onsite electrochlorination systems and quality electrolysers for over 25 years.
We design electrolysers for seawater electrochlorination systems or artificial brine electrochlorination systems. We have a comprehensive understanding of electrochlorination technology and are committed to ongoing intensive research and development.
What Makes Us Different
- our expert knowledge and experience over the entire range of electrochlorination technologies and electrolyser design.
- our commitment and ability to work with our customers as an integrated team.
- our ongoing innovative research and development program.
- our commitment and no compromise approach when it comes to quality.
- our excellent after sales care.
- our superb quality electrolysers!
Our Mission
We are devoted to continuous Research & Development & Innovation to offer the best quality electrolysers at the best price.

Contact Us
Tel: +44 (0)1603 260663
email: sales@chlorgenerators.com
Chlor Generators (UK) Ltd
Unit 10 Delta Close
NR6 6BQ, United Kingdom
Copyright Chlor Generators Ltd. 2021 / All Rights Reserved