Parallel Plate Electrolyzers
Chlor Generators offers the complete range of Parallel Plate Electrolyzers for seawater electrochlorination, whether New, Replacement, or Refurbished.
Technical details
- These are also known as Plate Electrolyzers or PPE Electrolyzers.
- Input medium: Seawater of natural composition.
- Ideal application: Small to very large capacity land-based electrochlorination systems.
- Available in single modules of: 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 15, 17,5, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, & 50 kg Cl2/h.
- NB: Any in-between capacity also available.
- Modules can be combined into any capacity, for example, 2 ~ 1,000 kg Cl2/h assemblies.
- NB: Complete steel frame mounted assemblies are offered ready-to-use: Plug and Play format.
- Max hypo concentration is 2,000 mg/l Cl2.
- De-scaling maintenance: Require regular acid washing to remove calcium and magnesium deposits.
- Electrode type and materials: Bi-polar electrodes constructed from uncoated titanium cathodes and MMO coated titanium anodes (NB: MMO = mixed metal oxides of the halogen group).
- All other construction materials: uPVC or optional cPVC, optional GRP/FRP coating, EPDM rubber gaskets, optional VITON gaskets.
- Operational life warranty: 5 years continuous use (although it may operate for almost 7 years).
- Optional: Designed for either arctic or average/tropical temperature feed seawater.
- Optional: Designed for either safe area or ATEX Hazardous Area Zones 1 or 2.

Contact Us
Tel: +44 (0)1603 260663
Chlor Generators (UK) Ltd
Unit 10 Delta Close
NR6 6BQ, United Kingdom
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